Degree of Comparison
Hello Guys, Hope you are fine.
Untuk Mengisi waktu stay at home dalam upaya pencegahan penularan COVID 19. Mari kita coba mempelajari materi lanjutan bahasa inggris tentang Degree Of comparison.
Penjelasan Degrees of Comparison dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Soal Latihannya –
Jika sebelumnya kita pernah membahas tentang Positive Degree, Comparative Degree, dan Superlative Degree. Nah kali ini kami akan membahas induk dari 3 jenis Degree tersebut yaitu Degrees of Comparison. Degrees of Comparison adalah sebuah grammar dalam bahasa inggris yang menunjukkan sebuah perbandingan keunggulan/kualitas dari sebuah sifat (Adjective) dan situasi (Adverb). Seperti yang kami sebutkan diatas, Degrees of Comparison memiliki 3 Jenis yaitu Positive Degree, Comparative Degree, dan Superlative Degree. Mari kita simak penjelasan dari ketiganya di bawah ini.
Macam - Macam Degrees of Comparison
1. Positive Degree
Positive degree adalah salah satu dari 3 jenis degrees of comparison yang menunjukan perbandingan yang sama derajatnya antara Adjective atau Adverb. Positive degree harus diapit oleh dua as, karena sifatnya yang membandingkan kesamaan dari suatu benda, orang, sifat, sikap, dan lain sebagainya. Contohnya adalah as easy as, as hard as, as tall as, as broken as, dan lain-lain.
Contoh Kalimat Positive Degree:
- Mathematics exam is as easy as English (Ujian matematika sama mudahnya dengan ujian bahasa inggris)
- Lion is as strong as Leopard (Singa sama kuatnya dengan macan tutul)
- My younger brother is as tall as I am (adik laki-lakiku sama tingginya dengan aku)
2. Comparative Degree
Comparative degree adalah salah satu bagian dari degrees of comparison yang menyatakan sifat atau keterangan dari suatu hal lebih unggul ketika dibandingkan dengan hal lainnya.
Gedung A lebih tinggi daripada Gedung B (A building is taller than B building), Rambut Yani lebih panjang daripada rambut Ratu (Yani's hair is longer than Ratu's hair), dan lain sebagainya. Namun tidak semua comparative degree berakhiran -er di belakang adjective. Ada juga yang menggunakan more......than jika mempunyai dua syllable (suku kata) dalam satu kata adjective/adverb.
Contoh Kalimat Comparative Degree
- The Mathematics exam was easier than English (ujian matematika lebih mudah daripada bahasa inggris)
- My dad is stronger than my brother.(ayahku lebih kuat daripada saudara laki-lakiku)
- Roses are more beautiful than tulips (Bunga mawar lebih cantik daripada bunga tulip)
- My mother drives the car more careful than I do (Ibuku menyetir mobil lebih hati-hati daripada aku)
3. Superlative Degree
Superlative Degree adalah sebuah kalimat yang menunjukkan perbandingan tingkat yang paling unggul dari sebuah kelompok. Contohnya, Adik perempuanku adalah yang paling pintar di kelasnya (My sister is the smartest student in her class). Dalam pembuatan superlative degree ada 2 rumus yang harus digunakan, tergantung adjective/adverb-nya terdiri dari berapa syllable (suku kata). Jika hanya ada 1 syllable maka adjective/adverb untuk superlative degree akan berakhiran The ...-est. Sedangkan jika adjective terdiri dari dua syllable atau lebih maka tinggal ditambahkan the most... di depan adjective/adverb.
Contoh Kalimat Superlative Degree- Karang Setra is the largest swimming pool in Bandung (Karang setra adalah kolam renang terbesar di Bandung)
- My hair is the shortest in my family (Rambutku adalah yang paling pendek dalam keluargaku)
- Bedroom is the most comfortable place in the house (Kamar tidur adalah tempat yang paling nyaman di rumah)
- G-Dragon is the most famous artist in Korea (G-Dragon adalah artis yang paling terkenal di korea)
Soal Latihan
Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Positive Degree
1. Mathematics exam is as __________ as English
a. easy
b. easier
c. easiest
2.Lion is as __________as Leopard
a. strongest
b. stronger
c. strong
3. My younger brother is as __________ as I am
a. taller
b. tall
c. tallest
4.Your attitude is as __________as ice
a. cold
b. coldest
c. colder
5.When I gave birth. My husband is as _________ as I am
a. happily
b. happier
c. happy|
6. IPhone is as __________as motorcycle
a. expensive
b. more expensive
c. the most expensive
7. To me, my mother is as ___________ as my father
a. more important
b. less important
c. important
8. Horror movies are as __________as romance
a. more interesting
b. interesting
c. the most interesting
9. My house is not as __________ as yours
a. big
b. bigger
c. biggest
10. I love to cook as __________ as I love to eat
a. much
b. more much
c. mucher
Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Mengenai Comparative Degree
Fill in the blank below with the comparative degree. Use the clue in the brackets
1. Sandi’s hair is ……………. (curly) than Rina’s.
2. I was ………………………. (embarrassed) than Jimmy about the math test scores.
3. The spring garden was ………………. (lovely) than the fall display of flowers.
4. Gibran is a kind person but he is ………………… (compassionate) than Hendry.
5. She looks …………………. (fresh) than last week.
6. Hendy can walk ……………………… (far) than you think.
7. I want to get a job ……………………… (good) than before.
8. My brother play a music ………………………… (slow) than last night.
9. My sister always gets a winner in the class. She is ……………………… (dilligent) than my brother.
10. Her performance is …………… (bright) than other stars.
11. Do you have a …………………………. (sharp) knife than this?
12. The harvest this month is …………………………. (little) than zero.
13. What is ………………….. (important) than family?
14. The banana flaky is ………………………. (crunchy) than cassava flaky.
15. The patient needs ……………….. (much) support after the accident.
16. His cook is ………………… (spicy) than my mother cook.
17. The building is ……………. (high) than his company.
18. Liliana’s design is ……………………. (bad) than other designs.
19. Living in London is ………………………. (expensive) than New York.
20. He couldn’t be ……………………… (thrilled) to work with her.
Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Superlative Degree
Answer the question by choosing the right answer between a, b, c, or d
1. It was a very happy day. It was __________ day of my life
a. happy
b. the happiest
c. the happier
d. as happy as
2. She’s a very popular singer. She’s ________in the country.
a. the most famous
b. the famousest
c. as famous as
d. famous
3. It is a very pretty village. It’s ____________i’ve ever seen.
a. the more beautiful
b. beautiful
c. the most beautiful
d. as beautiful as
4. It was a very cold day. It was ___________of the year.
a. the coldest
b. the colder
c. cold
d . really cold
5. Sofia is ___________ sister in my family.
a. old
b. very old
c. as old as
d. the oldest
6. He is ___________ man that I’ve ever met.
a. the funniest
b. the funnier
c. the most funny
d. funny
7. Diana is ___________ woman in this event.
a. the pretty
b. as pretty as
c. the prettiest
d. the prettier
8. G-Dragon was ___________ actress in South Korea.
a. the more talented
b. the most talented
c. talented
d. as talented as
9. Who is___________ woman in Indonesia?
a. the rich
b.the more rich
c. the richer
d. the richest
10.December was___________ month in the Europe.
a. the coldest
b. the colder
c. the more cold
d. as cold as
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